The SANT'ANTONIO Social Dairy Cooperative
It has been operating since 1957 in the production of semi-cooked sheep and goat cheeses, representing the most important production reality in the entire Ogliastra area and for that part of the Sarrabus of more immediate gravitation. The S. Antonio Cooperative guarantees a quality and serious service by offering competitive prices guaranteeing a high quality product. The processing and sale of our products covers an area of 2594 m² and allows a more efficient customer service.
The cheeses of the S. Antonio Cooperative
They were born in Tertenia, one of the warmest and sunniest areas of Sardinia, a tourist destination for many vacationers. Tertenio cheeses are still born, as in the past, from sheep's and goat's milk from flocks reared in the wild, in uncontaminated pastures.
Hence the taste of products with the Coop brand. S. Antonio is so special: nothing can imitate the taste that comes from this nature and from the ancient wisdom of knowing how to make cheeses

Our salted ricotta
(kind seasoned ricotta). Ideal as a condiment for soups or eaten with pistoccu bread.
Ingredients: Sheep and goat milk whey, salt.

our inimitable PDO pecorino
Pecorino Sardo DOP cheese, table and grated cheese with a compact texture, white in color tending towards straw yellow as it matures.
Good flavor with a pleasant spicy tendency with a long aromatic persistence. Excellent roasted after only a few days of maturation.
Since 4 November 1991, Pecorino Sardo boasts the recognition of the Denomination of Origin: the first great consecration of a typical cheese among the most widespread and representative of the dairy panorama of Sardinia. Subsequently, with the entry into force of the Community legislation on Denomination of Origin products, another very important recognition was added to the national recognition which in fact raised and extended the protection threshold for typical products to a European level. In July 1996, with Reg. Cee n.1263/96 the Pecorino Sardo in fact obtained the DOP, Protected Designation of Origin. This Denomination is assigned by the European Union only to the most representative typical products whose peculiarities are strictly and inextricably linked to the geographical environment of origin and which for this very reason are unique and inimitable.
Ingredients: Sheep's milk, rennet, salt.

Our Spreads
- Creamy with a slightly spicy flavour.
- Spicy: Cheese preparation creamy flavored pecorino cheese decisive and spicy.
- Tertenia melted goat cheese: Cheese preparation creamy flavored pecorino cheese slightly spicy.
- Tertenia mixed melted cheese: Cheese preparation creamy with a soft taste. Ideal for spreading on bread, for canapés or to dip into vegetable crudités.
It is ideal spread on bread or Pistoccu.
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I nostri formaggi Stagionati & Semi -Stagionati

Our Monte Ferru
White semi-cooked table goat's cheese.
The flavor is more pronounced as it ages.
Ingredients: pasteurized goat milk, sea salt, rennet veal, natural ferments.

Erbei - semi seasoned
Table cheese and grated cheese compact, white tending towards straw with the progress of the seasoning. Thanks to the long maturation, it develops a structured, persistent but velvety flavour when it melts on the palate.
Ingredients: pasteurized sheep's milk, sea salt, rennet veal, natural ferments.

Erbei - Seasoned
Compact white cheese or slightly straw yellow. Particularly indicated as a table cheese; the taste, still sweet and aromatic for the forms matured up to two months, it becomes slightly spicy and characteristic with more seasoning.
pasteurized sheep's milk, sea salt, rennet veal, natural ferments.

Semi-Seasoned Sant'Antonio
Tertenio cheeses are still born, as in the past, from sheep's and goat's milk from flocks reared in the wild, in uncontaminated pastures.
Hence the taste of products with the Coop brand. S. Antonio is so special: nothing can imitate the taste that comes from this nature and from the ancient wisdom of knowing how to make cheese.

Our Monte Ferru
White semi-cooked table goat's cheese.
The flavor is more pronounced as it ages.

Erbei - semi seasoned
Formaggio pecorino, da tavola e da grattugia a pasta compatta, di colore bianco tendente al paglierino con il procedere della stagionatura.
Good flavor with a pleasant spicy tendency with a long aromatic persistence. Excellent roasted after only a few days of maturation.
Ingredienti: Latte ovino, caglio, sale.

Erbei - Seasoned
Formaggio pecorino, da tavola e da grattugia a pasta compatta, di colore bianco tendente al paglierino con il procedere della stagionatura.
Good flavor with a pleasant spicy tendency with a long aromatic persistence. Excellent roasted after only a few days of maturation.
Ingredienti: Latte ovino, caglio, sale.

Semi-Seasoned Sant'Antonio
Tertenio cheeses are still born, as in the past, from sheep's and goat's milk from flocks reared in the wild, in uncontaminated pastures.
Hence the taste of products with the Coop brand. S. Antonio is so special: nothing can imitate the taste that comes from this nature and from the ancient wisdom of knowing how to make cheese.
Our sweet cheeses

Baron - Sweet Pecorino
Raw pecorino table cheese. It is a sweet and delicate cheese with a semi-soft texture and a compact structure of a white colour. The taste is sweet and pleasant. Ideal for preparations where cheese it must melt and make the dish creamy.
Ingredients: pasteurized sheep's milk, sea salt, rennet veal, natural ferments.

Ours Su Crabiolu
Raw goat's cheese. Soft cheese with a sweet, fresh and appetizing flavour.
Ingredients: Goat's milk, rennet, salt.

Sweet Cheese - Ogliastra
Table pecorino cheese, semi-cooked pasta fresh, soft texture, compact structure, with slightly sour taste. Greedy and irresistible even in the most dishes semplici.
Ingredients: pasteurized sheep's milk, sea salt, rennet veal, natural ferments.

Our land: Tertenia
Tertenia rises in the valley between Monte Ferru and the heel of Monte Arbu, just 103 kilometers from Cagliari, and is the southernmost town in Ogliastra. Its territory is varied, harsh and highly indented, dominated by the Dolomite plateaus of Taccu Mannu and Tacchixèddu. The ancient navigators established their abode in the hinterland of the coastal area of the municipality of Tertenia, but soon, having known the territory, they moved inland to the edge of the valleys, richer in waterways. Only later did they occupy the wide valley of the Quirra up to the edge of the heels. In the past, the town stood out above all for its mining production, its territory is, in fact, rich in deposits of pyrite, barite, quartz: the mines of Bau Arena, Sarrala and Barisoni-Porto Santoru were particularly well known.
More recently, the town has discovered an important tourist vocation due to the enhancement of its landscape and naturalistic beauties, which manage to combine the mountains and the sea in a particularly suggestive synthesis.
In the surrounding area, the volcanic complex of Monte Ferru is worth a visit, full of woods and demanding paths; through Monte Ferru, through the panoramic road of Sarrala, you enter the splendid coastal area of the Tertenia marina characterized by the alternation of very white beaches and cliffs, including the beautiful beach of Foxi Manna, with the homonymous tourist settlement, dominated from the Aleri nuraghe and that of the coast of Sarrala, characterized by the presence of the interesting seventeenth-century tower of San Giovanni di Sarrala.
More recently, the town has discovered an important tourist vocation due to the enhancement of its landscape and naturalistic beauties, which manage to combine the mountains and the sea in a particularly suggestive synthesis.
In the surrounding area, the volcanic complex of Monte Ferru is worth a visit, full of woods and demanding paths; through Monte Ferru, through the panoramic road of Sarrala, you enter the splendid coastal area of the Tertenia marina characterized by the alternation of very white beaches and cliffs, including the beautiful beach of Foxi Manna, with the homonymous tourist settlement, dominated from the Aleri nuraghe and that of the coast of Sarrala, characterized by the presence of the interesting seventeenth-century tower of San Giovanni di Sarrala.
La denominazione di questa località risale con molta probabilità alla presenza nella zona dell’antica città romana di Saralapis, di cui sono però purtroppo andate quasi completamente perdute le tracce. Infatti è ampiamente testimoniato dalla presenza di domus de janas, tombe dei giganti e numerosi nuraghi che il territorio di Tertenia fu abitato fin dalla preistoria. Da citare ancora il nuraghe Nastasi, il nuraghe Longu e il nuraghe Aleri.
L’economia è prevalentemente basata sull’artigianato, agricoltura (viti, ulivi), pastorizia e sulla produzione locale del pecorino, ormai richiesto in tutta la Sardegna ed esportato anche all’estero. Alla diffusione dei prodotti locali ha fatto da volano lo sviluppo del turismo estivo, grazie alla bellezza della piana di Sarrala e delle spiagge che vi si aprono, prima fra tutte quella di Fogi Manna.
La denominazione di questa località risale con molta probabilità alla presenza nella zona dell’antica città romana di Saralapis, di cui sono però purtroppo andate quasi completamente perdute le tracce. Infatti è ampiamente testimoniato dalla presenza di domus de janas, tombe dei giganti e numerosi nuraghi che il territorio di Tertenia fu abitato fin dalla preistoria. Da citare ancora il nuraghe Nastasi, il nuraghe Longu e il nuraghe Aleri.
L’economia è prevalentemente basata sull’artigianato, agricoltura (viti, ulivi), pastorizia e sulla produzione locale del pecorino, ormai richiesto in tutta la Sardegna ed esportato anche all’estero. Alla diffusione dei prodotti locali ha fatto da volano lo sviluppo del turismo estivo, grazie alla bellezza della piana di Sarrala e delle spiagge che vi si aprono, prima fra tutte quella di Fogi Manna.
Our D'Ogliastra cheeses - Sheep & Goat mix

Ogliastra - Semi Seasoned
Table cheese, compact color paste light yellow; with a sweet and pleasant taste.
Excellent accompanied with acacia honey.
Ingredients: sheep and goat milk pasteurized, sea salt, rennet veal, natural ferments.

Ogliastra - Seasoned
Raw table goat cheese.
Soft cheese with a sweet, fresh and appetizing flavour.
Ingredients: Goat's milk, rennet, salt.

Ogliastra - Roast
Pecorino table cheese, with white texture, soft with irregular holes with a sweet taste e di latte.
Ingredients: sheep and goat milk pasteurized, sea salt, veal rennet, ferments natural.
The Sardinian Blue Zone!
In Ogliastra in particular they stand out 2 certified world firsts:
• The area with the highest concentration of cenmale tenaries in the Municipality of Villagrande Strisaili who holds the world record ofmale longevity
• The Melis family of Perdasdefogu awarded
of the Guinness World Record as the most family longevity of the planet
Sardinia is now home to twenty-two centenarians every hundred thousand inhabitants. According to research
scientific this extraordinary longevity it would be linked, in addition to the DNA and the micro–climate, the particular quality of the wine, the fruit and cheese.

Our cheeses Misto Blu Tertenia - Sheep & Goat mix
The Ogliastra with its peaks, private domain of goats and its valleys rich in pasture suitable for sheep, has always been allowed a perfect coexistence between sheep and goat with the production of unique mixed cheeses. So that the traditional cheese of Ogliastra is undoubtedly the Mixed Sheep – Goat. The Mixed Tertenia Blue with the right percentages it joins the better aromas, taste, nutritional and health aspects of the two types of milk. Cheese that keeps coming contribute to one adequate nutrition of yours inhabitants favoring a Long and Healthy Life, recognized today with the Blue Zone for the percentage of centenarians tallest male in the world.

Mixed Blue Tertenia - SUNOU
Ideal food for all gourmets and online with vegetarian diets.

Mixed Blue Tertenia - SU GIOVINU
Semi-cooked cheese and veal rennet, lactic ferments, salt. Produced in the blue zone of Ogliastra with milk mix of sheep and goat in the wild with the use of calf rennet, used for the cheese production in Sardinia in older times recent, which gives the cheese more flavours sweet and delicate.
Ingredients: sheep's milk, goat milk, salt, kid rennet, lactic ferments.

Mixed Blue Tertenia - SU ECCIU
Semi-cooked cheese and veal rennet, lactic ferments, salt. Produced in the blue zone of Ogliastra with milk mix of sheep and goat in the wild with the traditional and centuries-old use of kid rennet, that confers character taste and flavors that in seasoning they become stronger and more pleasant spicy
Ingredients: sheep's milk, goat milk, salt, kid rennet, lactic ferments.

Tradition, Passion and Dedication
Our cheeses are born in Tertenia, one of the warmest areas and sun of Sardinia. Tertenio cheeses are born again, as in the past, from sheep-goat milk from flocks reared in the state wild, in pristine pastures. Hence the taste of products with the Coop brand Sant'Antonio it is so special: nothing can imitate the taste that comes from it nature and the ancient wisdom of knowing how to make cheese
I nostri nuovi formaggi Grana - misto Pecora & Capra
Negli ultimi 30 anni il settore lattiero caseario della Sardegna , grazie alla capacità innovativa del tecnico Lattiero caseario Bastianino Piredda si è arricchito di un importante innovazione tecnologica nella la trasformazione del latte di pecora e di capra, i formaggi a pasta cotta ( Tipo Grana).Nei formaggi a pasta cotta dopo la rottura della cagliata, la stessa viene riscaldata ( cottura) a temperature superiori ai 50 °C.
La cottura dona ai formaggi una “vita lunga “.
Vita lunga che permette durante l’affinamento, grazie anche alla alta qualità dei fermenti lattici (probiotici) e del caglio utilizzato, un miglioramento strutturale ( Tende a scagliare), Aromatico ( sentori molto piacevoli ) e Salutistico ( alta digeribilità e ricca presenza di amino acidi essenziali) , facendone un formaggio unico per gradevolezza e salubrità.
Ideale per i bambini, gli anziani e per tutti coloro che ricercano nella alimentazione qualità organolettiche e salutistiche. Ideale anche in cucina per accompagnare molti piatti sia innovativi che della tradizione.
Stagionatura minima 8 mesi (semi-stagionato).
La Coop. Sant’Antonio di Tertenia in collaborazione con il Suo Tecnico Bastianino Piredda ha fatto sua questa tecnologia, implementando oltre al “ Grana” di pecora “Gran Tertenia”, anche il “Grana” Misto , pecora -capra “Gran Ogliastra” e infine il Grana di solo latte di capra “Gran Monte Ferru”.
Unico caseificio in Sardegna che produce il Tris con le tre varianti.

Gran Tertenia - Semi Stagionato
Pezzatura 16 kg circa.
Stagionatura minima 8 mesi.
Ingredienti : latte di pecora, fermenti lattici, caglio e sale.

Gran Ogliastra - Semi Stagionato
Pezzatura 16 kg circa.
Stagionatura minima 8 mesi.
Ingredienti : latte di pecora, latte di capra , fermenti lattici , caglio e sale.

Gtan Ogliastra - Semi Stagionato
Pezzatura 10 kg circa.
Stagionatura minima 8 mesi.
Ingredienti : Latte di Capra, fermenti lattici, caglio e sale.